the courtesy of Archdale Wilson, we have the privilege of looking over a
business directory of Hamilton, printed by R. R. Donnelley & Co., and
illustrated by McKeon & Smith, wood engravers, for distribution at the
provincial exhibition held in this city in the year 1864. If one wants to know
the changes in business in Hamilton, just run through this directory of fifty
years ago and compare it with the new directory of 1915. It is a new Hamilton altogether.
Even the introductory to the little pamphlet gives one a new idea of Hamilton
to what we gather from everyday surroundings. As a matter of ancient history,
even though only a half century ago, the reading of the introductory chapter
will be interesting reading. Here it is:
beautifully situated on the southwestern curve of Burlington bay, occupies a delightful
position on a plateau of slightly elevated ground, winding around the base of
the mountain. The distance between the mountain and the bay is about two miles,
and the area thus included stands the city of Hamilton, in population, wealth
and commercial importance, the second city in Upper Canada. The site is
singularly salubrious, the rate of mortality being less in Hamilton, as shown
by statistics, then any other city in Canada, Ottawa excepted. Hamilton became a
point of military importance about 1813. It was made the resting place of the
army of the west, when General Proctor was defeated. To Burlington Heights,
General Vincent retired after being driven from the Niagara frontier, previous
to his brilliant victory over the American army at Stoney Creek, which saved
the province from probable subjugation. The history of Hamilton dates back not
much more than a quarter of a century. It seems but yesterday when the tract of
country fringing the shores of Lake Ontario was a wilderness, and settlers
still living can tell the day when hunters and fishermen alone broke the
stillness of the now wealthy and proud district of Gore. The theory of
colonization which has been nurtured into life and activity under the fostering
care of liberal institutions on this side of the Atlantic, has belied the anticipations
and ridiculed the prophetic wisdom of statesmen moving under the auspices of
time-honored usages in the old world. Forests are converted into thriving
settlements, and cities spring up into wealth and influence as if obedient to
some magic impulse. A traveler from one of the sickly metropolises of Europe,
in looking at the progress of social cultivation in Canada, at the evidence of
civilized advancement observable in the institutions and business energy of the
Canadian people, would be slow to realize the fact that he sees the country as
less than fifty years of toil and industry have made it.
him visit Hamilton, drive up and down its spacious streets, look into the great
wholesale establishments’; step into banking houses and witness the extent of
accommodation accorded to commercial enterprises; let him visit the Central school,
and contrast the educational advantages of Hamilton with those of cities of the
same size in Europe or on the continent, or look through the Young Ladies’
seminary, when in full operation after midsummer holidays; let him stand at the
depot of the Great Western railway and mark the bustle and activity at the
arrival and departure of every train;
see the long train of freight cars, bringing the products of foreign
manufacture for consumption here, or carrying away consignments from large city
wholesale firms to distant parts of the province; let him take his stand on the
brow of the magnificent mountain which flings its grassy summit against the
southern sky, and see the multitude of persons surging along the principal
avenues of trade, the countless chimneys of mechanical industry, the
magnificent carriages and costly equipages rolling along James or King street;
the palatial suburban mansions, the seat of wealth, comfort and literary
refinement – let him survey the busy hive at his feet – restless, sleepless,
tireless yet hopeful and say whether the community of interests, the fusion of
national restraints, and the commercial fellowship which have built a city of
twenty thousand people do not promise still greater results.
temporary embarassments under which the city labors have retarded, but not
destroyed, the enterprise of its citizens. In 1850 – fourteen years ago – the population,
according to authenticated census returns, was less than 11,000. It was 35,000
in 1858, and in the three following years lost a third of its population. It
was 19,000 at the census three years ago, and has now risen to 22,900, and we
have hopes that the recently passed city relief bill will tend to augment the
“The wholesale trade
of Hamilton is greater and more attractive to distant buyers than that of any
other city in Canada, with the exception of Montreal. Some of the most
extensive wholesale firms in Canada, having branches in Toronto, London and
Brantford, center in Hamilton; and we think it would well remunerate country
merchants – who may be at the exhibition, and who do not make this their market
of purchase – to take a look through our wholesale warehouses, and compare
prices with those of other cities in the province. Our wholesale merchants are
direct importers from the places of manufacture and growth, and their customers
receive the benefits of first profits. It will also reward visitors from a
distance, who wish to avail themselves of city prices and fashions, to note
down the enterprising firms whose establishments are herein illustrated.”
Fancy the
fresh-looking Thomas Lees, though his head has been frosted with departed
years, being the oldest and only man in business today that belongs to ancient
Hamilton. He began business as a watchmaker and jeweler on John street in the
year 1861, and in 1864 moved into his present location on James street. At that
time Hamilton had thirteen jewelers and watchmakers to keep time and bedeck its
women and girls with diamonds and other precious jewels. In the directory
before us, Lees is represented in the same building which he now occupies, with
a large sign directing customers where to find him. Burrow, Stewart and Milne,
three husky young molders, began business in 1864, but not in time to get their
names in the directory. Two members of the firm – Stewart and Milne – still continue
the business, Mr. Burrows having passed away a few years ago. There were six
foundries in Hamilton in 1864, but no members of the firms except Mr. Stewart
and Mr. Milne are living now. The D. Moore Co. is the oldest tinsmith firm in
the city, dating back to 1828, and that firm began the foundry business along
in the ‘40’s, in the stone building on Catharine street north, erected by G. L.
Beardmore for a tannery. A fire one night decided Beardmore in favor of a
change, and the building passed into the ownership of the D. Moore Co. and was
converted into a foundry. All this, however, leaves Thomas Lees as the oldest
living businessman in the town.
We will take an airplane
trip through the 1864 directory, and if we strike a name that is in the
directory of 1915, we will be glad to place the owner in the Hall of Fame as an
ancient Hamiltonian. We will take 1864 as the foundation. There were two
wholesale shoe stores then, one wholesale clothing manufacturer, three
wholesale druggists, six wholesale dry goods, and not one connected with firms
we have here now to answer roll-call. Of other wholesale firms, there were two
earthen and glassware, four fancy goods, nine groceries, four hardware, three
leather, two saddlery hardware, one stationer, two importers of wine. Not a
member of the old firms left to tell the story of fifty years ago. There were
only three architects then, not one of them now to plan an earthly house. Sixteen
bakers made the staff of life – not one of them in business now, William Lee
being the last one to throw in the sponge. Fifteen barbers represented the
tonsorial art, and Charles Dallyn is the only one left to tell the story. Of
thirty-five barristers only one is left to plead his own cause. Eleven
blacksmiths pounded the anvil; where are those lusty fellows now? Three
billiard halls were enough in 1864; it now takes sixteen to develop the muscle
of the sports. Only two of the old shoe dealers are in business now. Seven
breweries made beet to quench the thirst of the ancients; two breweries do the
job now. Of the manufacturers of brooms and brushes, only Meakins and Sons
represent the six old firms. Fourteen builders and contractors built up
Hamilton in those days, not one of whom is in business now. Not a bookseller or
a bookbinder in business in 1864 is here now to reveal the edges of life. It
only required 24 churches to lead the Hamiltonians in the straight and narrow
path in 1864; now there are 93 congregations, representing almost every
denomination, yet they can’t hold the town level. Nineteen clergymen lifted up
their voices every Sunday against the sins of the world, and eighteen of them
have gone home to glory, having done the best they could while here to keep
Hamilton from going to the bow-wows. One
of them got translated to the Methodist Book Room in Toronto, and his job is so
pleasant that he is loth to give it up. Coal was so little used in Hamilton
that only Thomas Myles could find it profitable to run a coal yard. J. Blachford
and Henry Snelgrove buried the dead. Ten confectioners made life sweet to the
taste, but now one of them is here to tell the story of the days when they sold
pure ice cream. Eight druggists compounded the jalap and rhubarb that cured the
ills of the community, and that they did their work honestly is evidenced that
such a disease as appendicitis was unknown in those days. Twenty-one
establishments supplied the ladies with
dry goods; not one of the proprietors lives to tell how the husbands swore when
the bills were rendered. Twenty-four physicians, one of them being a lady,
looked after the health of the town, and not one of them has a place among the
113 physicians of today. There were sixteen hotels, 21 saloons and 58 taverns
to feed the hungry and quench the thirsts of the thirsty; about all are gone to
meet their unfortunate customers in the other world. Ninety-six boozeries and
only 23,000 population; today the population is over 100,000, and it only takes
61 saloons to satisfy their thirst. The town is progressing.
It is like
going through a graveyard to follow up that 1864 directory. Only three business
men of that year live to tell the story of the ups and downs of this hundred-year-old
town. Well, the Muser that will review the 1915 directory fifty years from now will
have the same story to tell.
From 1857
till the case of the civil war in the United States, Hamilton, as well as all
of Canada, was hard hit. It seems impossible to separate the two countries
either in prosperity or adversity; when business is good over there, it is the
same here. Hamilton’s brightest days were during the building of the Great
Western railway, for then money was plentiful, there was work for everybody,
and the population increased through the employment in the railroad shops and
the large number of men employed running trains, most of whom made their home
in Hamilton. When the Great Western officials began to divide the shops among
other localities, and almost side-tracked Hamilton, the panic of 1857 broke
loose, and the population went hiking to more prosperous towns; houses were
emptied and hard times came. In 1858 the census showed a population of 25,000;
in 1861, it ran down to 19,000. The people could not pay their taxes, and the
city could not pay even the interest on its indebtedness. It was not until
Hamilton became an industrial city that the sun of prosperity began again to
shine on it. The old town is now passing through the deep waters of affliction,
but with the prospective opening of factories, the old song, Hard Times Come
Again No More can be sung by the Elgar choir, and the toilers will chant as
they march to the workshops, that though It’s a Long, Long Way to Tipperary; the
good times are coming once more.