Spectator August
16, 1902
good political education might be obtained by an investigation and study of the
industries in Hamilton, and indeed in all Canada, that have been made possible
because of the protective policy that was incorporated into the laws of the
Dominion by that wise statesman and patriot, Sir John A. Macdonald. One of the
object lessons is the cotton industry in Hamilton, which gives employment to
some 1,300 operatives besides the well-paid office force necessary to manage
the details of the business. There are three large cotton mills and two
knitting factories which send their product to nearly all parts of the
civilized world. The Ontario mill, on James street north, covers a whole block,
and gives employment to the largest number of hands. This mill manufactures
tickings, sheetings and denims, and its principal market is in Australia and
New Zealand. The Hamilton Cotton Company is a close second in number of
operatives employed, and its product is cottoandes, denims, yards and webbing,
all of which finds a market within the Dominion. The Imperial mill, for the
manufacture of duck and twines, which is in the east end of the city, and has
only been in operation about one year, gives employment to as many operatives
as either of the other mills. What an army of men, women and boys are dependent
upon the success and prosperity of these three cotton mills? The Ontario mill
is owned by the Canada Cotton Mills company, while the other two are
independent and under control of local capital and management. The three mills
are run at their full capacity at all times, and occasionally have to do
overtime to fill their orders. The aggregate capacity of the three mills is 83
carding machines, 699 looms and 27, 746 spindles. Over 900 operatives are
employed, the average wages running from $8 to $10 for men, and $5.50 to $6 for
women. A number of boys are employed at $2.50 per week, while many of the
experts in the mills have salaries ranging from $20 to $25. The wages paid in
the mills in Hamilton compare favourably with what are paid in the best mills
in the United States, and far better than the same class of operatives receive
in the cotton mills in England and other European countries. During the past
year, the three mills used 12,563 bales of cotton, and the value of output of
manufactured goods was $1,285,000. The raw cotton comes from the southern
states, and is admitted free of duty, and the mill owners have such favourable
shipping rates from the south that, in point of cost on freight, they are about
on an equality with the New England cotton mills. While the duty on cotton
goods ranges from 25 to 35 per cent, yet the keen competition among the
Canadian manufacturers tends to keep prices down. Take off the duty and every
cotton mill in Canada would be closed down so quick as one would say scat! That
the industry is a blessing to Hamilton will be heartily endorsed by the 600 and
more operatives who are secured steady employment and at a scale of wages equal
to any other branch of labour where the same talent is required.
But Hamilton only
gets its share of the prosperity that comes from the cotton industry. In the
Dominion there are thirty mills, some larger and many smaller than any of the
three in this city. Fifteen of the mills are located in Ontario, and give
employment to 2,500 operatives; eight are located in the province of Quebec,
and seven more in New Brunswick and Nova Scotia. Outside of Ontario, not less
than 10,000 operatives are employed in the mills.
An American company
engaged in the knit goods business opened a branch in this city last May for
the manufacture of fine cotton lisle and worsted hosery. As a starter, it
employs fifty operatives whose wages range from lisle to $2 per week. The girls
and women are unskilled at the work now, but when they become expert they will
be able to earn more money. Thirty-seven knitting machines, 19 ribbers, and 12
loppers are now being operated and the product is 250 dozen of hosery and the
company has been very fortunate in finding a good market for its output, the
goods being attractive in appearance and well-made. This is another industry
that protection has forced into Hamilton, and it is able to compete with the
German and English hosiery that now controls the Canadian market.
are 70 cotton and woolen knitting factories in the Dominion of Canada, and all
seem to be prospering. They give employment to a large army of women at fair
wages. In this city, the Eagle Knitting company employs 300 operatives, and has
in service 150 knitting and 125 sewing machines. It manufactures children’s
flat, fleeced and ribbed underwear, and the demand for its product requires the
hands to add to their wages by working overtime during the busy seasons of the
the good things of this life are coming Hamilton way. It is less than three
months ago that a bylaw was defeated that was to give a bonus to secure the
location of the Deering Harvester works in this city. It was a close call for
an industry that now promises to be one of the largest in the city. The council
acted wisely in the matter, and while it could not vote a money bonus, it had the
power to give certain privileges that will fully equal the amount asked for in
the bonus bylaw. The Deering company bought a tract of 35 acres of land, and is
now erecting workshops that will cost $95,000. And this is not all. This week
the International Harvester company with a capital of $120,000,000, of which
$95,000,000 is in cash, for a working capital, has been incorporated. The five
leading corporations in the United States engaged in the manufacture of
agricultural implements and farm machinery of every description, have united
their interest, and the Deering company, being one of the five, will make
Hamilton its headquarters for the manufacture of all classes of farm machinery.
Instead of 300 or 400 hands, which the Deering company expected to employ in
this city, the demand for skilled labour may run up much higher in the
hundreds, and probably, in the thousands. The Deerings are already planning to
enlarge their shops at once, so as to have plenty of room for the new lines of
implements that will be manufactured here. The establishment of the
headquarters of the International Harvester company is another triumph for the
protective policy. Could the Deerings and McCormacks, and all the other
agricultural implement companies, have sold their goods without having to pay
duty at the border, not one of those large corporations would think for a
moment of building a manufactory in this country. The market would be theirs
without extra cost.
Otis Elevator company, one of the leading concerns in that line in the United
States, saw the possibilities of a large business in Canada. The Dominion
government had wisely provided that the men in Canada, who could build
elevators, should at least have a fair chance for the trade. The Otis company
had plenty of capital, and wanted to branch out into new territory, so the
directors decided to buy out the Leitch and Turnbull company and locate in
Hamilton, because of its great facilities for shipments and in electric power.
The company is now building a large factory in this city, and fitting it up
with the most approved machinery.
Norton Manufacturing company, with Col. W. C. Breckenridge as its local
manager, is planning greater things to meet the demands of its Canadian
customers. The company is now negotiating for the purchase of the plant at the
foot of Emerald street, that was built for the National Cycle and Automobile
company. Col. Breckenbridge needs more room for the annual increase in trade,
and possibly some new lines in the manufacture of tin ware may be added when
the factory is moved into its new quarters.
Hamilton Steel and Iron company keeps on adding to its large plant with
increasing demand for steel and iron in Canada. This week the company has paid
a six per cent dividend on its capital stock, added a good slice of the profits
of the past year to its surplus account and decided to spend $200,000 at once
in new and improved machinery.
the best of the wine is left for the last of the feast of a few of the great
manufacturing industries of Hamilton. Some wealthy American capitalists are now
looking over the field with a view of building a large tin plate factory in
Hamilton. All the tin now used in Canada comes from England or the United
States. Each year the demand for tin plate is increasing, and these Americans
with money to spare see no good reason why a tin plate factory in Hamilton would
not pay a profitable interest on the investment. There are some things to be
considered, and if the difficulties that now present themselves can be overcome
a tin plate factory in Hamilton will be one of the great industries in the near
future. The enlargement of the facilities of the Hamilton Steel and Iron
company is an indication that one great difficulty – an abundant supply of
steel billets – is in a fair way of being removed. The other points may be as
easily settled. The gentleman the Hamilton end of the enterprise feels hopeful
of speedy results.
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